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四年級英語下冊Module 4 Unit 3《The ugly duck》(舊版)

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《The ugly duck》

Listen and enjoy
The ugly duckling
It is warm in spring.Mother Duck is making a nest.She has three eggs.
The eggs are in the nest.They are green and small.They are Mother Duck's babies.
Now there are four eggs in the nest.The fourth egg is big and white.
Mother Duck sits on the nest.鴨媽媽坐在巢上面。
The eggs open.Mother Duck is happy.蛋裂開了,鴨媽媽很高興。
Oh!my lovely bahies! I love you!噢,我可愛的寶寶們!我愛你們!
Mother Duck sees four duckings.Three duckings are yellow and lovely.One ducking is big and grey.He is ugly.
Mother Duck feeds her babies with small worms.The big grey ducking eats all of them.鴨媽媽用小蟲子來喂她的寶寶們。那只大個頭的灰色小鴨把所有的蟲子都吃了。
Mother Duck swims in the pond.The yellow ducking sit on her back.The ugly ducking is too heavy,so he swims behind them.
The three ducklings often play together.They are happy.The ugly ducking is sad and lonely.
The ugly duckling swims away.He does not want to stay with them.
It is so cold in winter.The ugly duckling goes into a house,but an old woman drives him away.
It is spring again.The ugly duckling is in the grass.Two big swans see him.
Hello,come and play.
I'm an ugly duckling.
No!You're a beautiful swan.
The ugly duckling looks into the pond.Now he is a swan.He is very happy.
I'm a beautiful swan!  我是一只美麗的天鵝。
Yes,you are.是的,你是。

1.Hello!Who are you? Hello!
Don't you remember me?I was the ugly duckling!
It is spring again now.The weather is warm.The beautiful swan goes back   to the pond.
2.The ugly duckling?He's grey,but you're white!
Yes,I'm big and ehite now!I'm a beautiful white swan!
The three ducks are so surprises.They do not believe their eyes.
3.Oh,you have two big wings!
Yes,I can fly with my wings.
Wow!you're so cool!We can swim.but we can't fly!Do you want to play with   us?
The ducks like the swan's wings.The swan is very cool,they think.
4.Do you want to fly in the sky?
Of course,we do!But how can we fly in the sky?
You can sit on my back!
Wow!It must be fun!
The three ducks feel very happy.They can fly in the sky.
5.Oh!The houses are small!
The farmers are small too!
Everything is so small.
The three ducks are sitting on the swan's back.They are flying in the sky   now.
6.It's time for lunch now.I'm hungry.How about you,my friends?
We're hungry too!What do you usually eat for lunch,Mr Swan?
I usually eat fish for my lunch.They taste nice!
They are all very hungry.It is time for lunch.
7.We like fish too.We have some fish at home.Do you want to eat with us?
Yes,of course.Thank you.
The three ducks invite the beautiful white swan to have lunch together.
8.Yummy!Yummy!I have a nice day today!
We have a nice day today too!
They are eating and talking.They all have a good time today.

Choose and write
opening     playing     crying     making
1.Mother Duck is _______ a nest.
2.The eggs are ______.
3.The ugly duckling is sad.It is ________.
4.The duckling are ______.

Ask and answer
What colour is ...?
Is/Are...happy or sad?
WHere is /are...?
What season is it?
What happens?
Is/Are ...big/small?

1.會說、會寫本課所學(xué)單詞:duckling swan nest
2.理解故事:The ugly duckling




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