《Funny cartoons》(Period 1)
Look and say
Who is he? He is Beebo.
head arm leg foot hand eyes body
Listen and do
Hello!I'm Beebo.
I have ...
head body arm hand shoulder knee
face nose
Think and say
Hi,I am...
I have...
head body shoulder foot
toe arm hand knee leg
Listen and write
Hello!I'm _______.
Look at me.I have a big _______.
I have two ________ and two _______.
My _______ are short.
My _______ are small.
I have two legs and two feet.
My legs are long.
My feet are big.
Let's read (I)
Good morning.Mr Zheng! Yes,Mr Zheng.
Good morning,children!Let's do some warm-up exercises.Follow Mark,please,Are you ready?
Tough your shoulders.
Touch your knees.
Strech your arms.
Rose your hands.
Stamp your feet.
Clap your hands.
Read and write
finger leg head shoulder knee
foot eye ear hand arm
Let's read(II)
The hokey cokey
You put your right hand in.
You put your right hand out.
You put your right hand in.
And shake it all about.
You do the hokey cakey.
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
1.Copy and spell these words.
head arm hand
leg foot body
2.Make sentences using:
I have...